Scholarship Essays Examples We invite applications for a researcher in the Earth Sciences to work on a NERC-funded consortium 'Using the Inter-Glacials Sea Level Scenarios to Assess the Future (iGlass)', which consists of seven agencies, three non-academic partners and four academic partners in abroad and advisors. The consortium will study the response of ice volume / sea level with countries of different climate during the last five inter-glacials, which covers the period with higher sea level than now.Scholarship Essays Examples As a researcher in the consortium iGlass, you will combine the observations of past sea levels and the estimated variation of Earth's ice sheets with solid modeling to develop an integrated understanding of the total sea level change during the period and the relative contribution of the Greenland and (West) Antarctic ice sheet . You must have a PhD or equivalent in a relevant discipline and be an experienced researcher with a strong programming and statistical skills. You must have the ability to analyze large sets of data, has well-developed self and time management skills and able to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
http://thescholarshipprogramme.com You will work in Marine Physics and Ocean Climate in the NOC group under the guidance of Dr. Mark Tamisiea and Dr Svetlana Jevrejeva, and will interact with Dr. Glenn Milne (University of Ottawa) and other members of the consortium iGlass. posting is the position, three years of fixed length and are available from October 1, 2011. salary will be in the range £ 26,180 to £ 29,410 per year.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: June 3, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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